Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Father's Day 2007

It was a success!!

The Castleman Crew.

Yes my dad landed a Father's Day trout.

Has my mother ever held a fish before?????

Man it must be nice to have someone tie on your flies and unhook your snags..he he

Guide Whit-Dogg making sure my Dad caught a fish on Father's Day.

So I took my parents fishing on father's day.
We caught lost of fish and had a great time.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Honey Hole Magic aka Put in Point

You sure have a purdy mouth..

Slabie McSlaber

Kevin stole my fish and my rod

I am working on the underwater

Keefer and me...good thing he brought the P-town!

This is John...and yes he hooked this one in the nose.

This is my new friend. He wouldn't leave my arm for a good 15 mins.

Ok so we went to the Honey Hole really

Put in Point but what do you think happened....

Hog Heaven!! Kevin lost the tip of my rod, John lost his

600 dollar sunglasses and the rest is history. All was found in due time.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Oldies but Goodies...

Yes I hooked myself..it must have been the wind

The faux hawk

Who live in a pineapple under the sea....
Spongebob Whit-Dogg

Reel Big Fish

Fishing the Lower D!

All in all it was a great trip. The fishing wasn't
red hot but I did catch one fish...

It was over 90 degrees...the water
was calling my name!

Not much fishing was done....

The river was jammed packed
with peeps.

This is a picture of a speical stretch of water we
like to call the honey hole.