Thursday, May 31, 2007


Wanna Be Captain Kevin.

Big green. Keith, Katie, and Edger.

Chick's in waders..Hot!

Keith tried to kill us by having us launch at this extreme spot.....

The Crew!

Kevin's first trip taking Code Red out!

Yes, I backed the trailer down this steep boat launch.

R we lost yet?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bend Pickup Truck

You know you are in Bend when..

Doug, saw this and thought of you!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Red What.......

Red camera

Red milkshake maker in my red

Red Subie

Red Mt. Madness

The Leewis Come to Visit!

The Boys at Tumalo Falls cute!

Molly, Dylan, and me and Tumalo Falls

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day Weekend

Boys will be boys...Doug, Kev and Carson
watching the mariners

Snoqualmie Falls

The Perry Family..missing Justin

Shultzy's...What more can I say

Uncle Kevin and Aunt Whitney with the
newest addition to the Perry family,
Carson Perry at the Mariners Game

Monday, May 7, 2007 comment

Code Red

So last weekend I took out the new boat for it's madden voyage....I was a little nervous since kevin was out of town and it was my first time doing this.

It was a sucess.

And the fishing was good too!!!